...as spune ca ochiul este detectorul de frumos, insa o spun cu adevarat ca o poza este clar parafa spre observarea frumosului.
29 December, 2011
03 December, 2011
...slow down, you are out of control
...slow down, you are out of control
...slow down, you are out of control
so...you are my voice, my microphone
you are my voice, so take me on
you are my voice
one of us is right, and one of us is wrong.
"Coconut Records-Microphone"
20 November, 2011
16 October, 2011
La Zoo 0.1
In incercarea de a mai schimba fata blogului am marit doar dimensiunile, si m-am gandit sa pun cateva animalute.
03 October, 2011
30 September, 2011
" 'Cause he won't go,
He can't do it on his own,
If this ain't love, then what is?
We're willing to take the risk,
So...I won't go,
I can't do it on my own,
If this ain't love, then what is?
I'm willing to take the risk "
- Adele
04 September, 2011
28 August, 2011
21 August, 2011
20 August, 2011
07 August, 2011
02 August, 2011
Goodbye my friend!
"We've gone our own ways and I know it's for the best, but sometimes I wonder will I ever have a friend like you again?" - Blink 182
24 July, 2011
17 July, 2011
...wonderful world
"...i see skies of blue and clouds of white,
the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
yes i think to my self
What a Wonderful World!"
-Louis A.
09 July, 2011
01 July, 2011
26 June, 2011
"poti sa tragi cu arcul in soare
sa rapui salbatice fiare
sa iubesti zeite fecioare
tot o sa ajungi la zare
...daca nu te-ntorci pe mare!"
"poti sa tragi cu arcul in soare
sa rapui salbatice fiare
sa iubesti zeite fecioare
tot o sa ajungi la zare
...daca nu te-ntorci pe mare!"
22 June, 2011
Miss Absence
"Hey, I put some new shoes on,
And suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
It so inviting,
Oh, short on money,
But long on time,
Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
And i'm running late,
And i dont need an excuse,
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes". - Paolo Nutini
12 June, 2011
04 June, 2011
29 May, 2011
14 May, 2011
07 May, 2011
Declaratie 0.3
pe hartie far' sa stiu
am pus pena sa va scriu, cate-un rand, cate-o parola
si-a iesit pentru amandoi, fara sa pun in balanta
de doriti sa le gasit, in cucina pe faianta
pe hartie far' sa stiu
am pus pena sa va scriu, cate-un rand, cate-o parola
si-a iesit pentru amandoi, fara sa pun in balanta
de doriti sa le gasit, in cucina pe faianta
si n-aveam nicio idee
dar stiam ca reusesc, si ca vreau sa'mpartasesc
celor dragi, mii de culori, curcubee, flori si sole
....cu mesaju cel firesc
Mama, Tata va Iubesc!
Imaghine: D5000
Regizor: Denisa
Text: zio
Muzica: senza.
05 May, 2011
30 April, 2011
25 April, 2011
12 April, 2011
08 April, 2011
27 March, 2011
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